Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Life in Palembang 2009

PALEMBANG is the main city of south sumetra ,Indonesia.When it was 2009 luckily I have got one scholarship at Siriwijaya University.And I have got one year host from one Chinese family....these all have done by internet lol.The family became my part of life.During one year study I got involved with many activities and knowing many peoples from many comminuties .It was really awesome to discover palembang city.After that I have been many times during my work in Indonesia and I always meet the people I knew.They really loved me a lot.
 for more picture please look the links below ...my fb pagehttps://www.facebook.com/zeba.zizawar/media_set?set=a.1296484688138.2046264.1110986979&type=3&feed=false

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Exploring Prambanan yogya

Prambanan temple you must visit for the sculptures . And evening there is always have Ramayana program I love to watch it.Its worth to visit.I have been many times.This is the fb links I have been on 2010 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1376858777440&set=a.1376788415681.2055231.1110986979&type=3&theater

At Prambanan, the narrative reliefs portray episodes from two of Lord Vishnu's incarnations in human form. The bas-reliefs pertaining to the... Hindu deity Vishnu's incarnation as Lord Krishna appear on the interior-facing walls of the balustrade that surrounds the Vishnu shrine, while episodes from Vishnu's incarnation as Rama encircle the main shrines at Prambanan that are dedicated to Shiva and Brahma.

6000 miles hitch hike in Thailand with 100 USD

6000 miles hitch hike in Thailand with 100 USD i know you all hard to believe but thats the reality I did with my friend who already no more in this world.

Thailand is my first country I have visit by air.It was from Rissho kosei kai.I was so excited because of plane.I donno how to make sit belt bla bla.I was only spent in Bangkok with Rissho Kosei kai conference.Then i have been there as a nun and stayed with all Buddhist nun and really so terrible experience in my life.I met many nice nice nun and saw the biggest kitchen omg. And 3rd time I have been travel Thailand like really traveller.We, me and my fren hitch-hike 6000 km in Thailand.North,east.....al
l over Thailand......The fantastic and amazing tour in my life. please check the all photos dont miss it.you will love and laugh hahahhahah 

I miss Thailand king 
If anyone know I love elephant.This is elephant village  
Our host who is so kind 
Tribe program 
Ayudhaya I love this place 

Friday, October 6, 2017

Kemaro Island in Sumetra

Kemaro Island, is a little on the Musi River Delta, located about 6 km from the Ampera Bridge. Kemaro island located in the industrial area, which is in between Sriwijaya Fertilizer Plant and Pertamina Plaju and Gerong River. Kemaro Island is a recreation area in the River Musi headliner In this place there is a Chinese temple (temple Hok Tjing Rio). On the island there are also Kemaro Buddhist temples frequented by Buddhists to pray or to visit the tomb. There are also often held the Cap Go Meh every Chinese New Year. Kemaro name was taken because this island has never flood, although the Musi River overflowed. Behind the beauty of the island Kemaro, Palembang, South Sumatra, a tragic love story tucked Palembang princess, Siti Fatimah. On this island there is also said to be the tomb of the last resting place of the princess. According to local legend, in ancient times, Palembang is sent to a daughter married to a son of the king of China. The princess asked 9 jars of gold as dowry. To avoid the pirate gold urns are covered vegetable and when he saw the boy king opened it contained only vegetable jars are then banished to the river. Sense of disappointment and regret making the king's son decided to throw ourselves into the river and drowned. The princess had come to throw ourselves into the river and drowned. The princess was buried in the Kemaro Island and built a shrine to his memory . When set foot on this island, you can feel a thick Chinese. It can be seen from the 9-story pagoda towering in the middle of the island. The new building was built in 2006. In addition there is a pagoda pagoda that was once there. Soei Goeat Kiong temple or better known as Kuan Im temple built since 1962. In front of the temple there is the tomb of Tan Bun An (Prince) and Siti Fatimah (Daughter) are side by side. They both love story that became a legend this island formation. Besides this place also there is a tree called the "Tree of Love" is denoted as the rite of "True Love" between the two nations and two different cultures in ancient times between Siti Fatimah daughter of Sriwijaya and Tan Bun An Interior Prince of China, it is said , if there are couples who carve their names in the trees then their relationship will continue until the level of marriage. For this reason the island is also referred to as the Island Houses. It is said that there is a legend tragic love story. Quoted from the official website of South Sumatra Province, Thursday (07/02/2013), this legend tells about the love story between the daughter of King Palembang, Siti Fatimah with a rich merchant prince home country as well as China, Tan Bun Ann. Both are in love and agree to marry. Siti Fatimah Tan Bun stipulating on Ann to provide 9 jars filled with gold. Tan Bun Ann then sent one of his bodyguards return to China to ask for gold and blessing to her parents. Of course, the request is granted parental Tan Bun Ann. To keep the gold from pirates, the gold covered jar with pickled mustard greens. Arriving near the island Kemaro, Tan Bun Ann compelled to examine the contents of the urn. View contents only pickled mustard greens, he was upset and throw the jars into the river. However, he threw the jar is accidentally broken. That's where he saw the gold pieces. Tan Bun Ann was surprised to see it. He was very sorry for late notice. Ordered the police to take back the jars that have been drowned in the River Musi. However, the guards actually drowning. Finally, Tan Bun Ann decided to plunge into the river and look for the jars. Naas, he also drowned in the River Musi. To hear what happened to her future husband, Siti Fatimah took the initiative to jump with the intention of helping. He said, "If there is soil that grows on the banks of the river, so that's where my grave." Turns and Siti Fatimah Tan Bun Ann had never come to the surface. Soon, there are two mounds of earth is believed to be the tomb of Siti Fatimah and Tan Bun Ann. To commemorate them, made a grave both Kemaro Island. Not to forget, in this area there is also a love tree. This love is a tree that is quite old banyan with very dense branches. That said, if someone wrote her name and her partner in the tree, then the fabric of their love will be more lasting. To get to the island, the traveler must travel approximately 20 minutes. Journey in starting a small pier in front Kuto Besak. The island will be crowded and tourists during Chinese New Year celebrations Cap Go Meh, especially for the traveler of Chinese descent.

Sumetra,Bali and Jawa Island travelling over land (Great Zeba,LOL)

It was nice tour on 2010. During my study in Sumatra Island with UNIVERSITY OF SIRIWIJAYA I have travelled Sumatra Island to Bali Island and Jawa Island by overland ....Its not joke actually . Sometimes  by bus, sometimes angkot(small mini bus),by ship,Ferry.....But I have met with many people and friend ...saw many activities....As Indonesia​ is Island country.Becuase of my first tour in Bali and Jawa I was so excited......Whatever i saw like "WOW". Thank you my sponsor who make my dream true.My passion always travelling and to see the world. For more picture please click below links .....Dont miss it.....https://www.facebook.com/zeba.zizawar/media_set?set=a.1325376370412.2049607.1110986979&type=1
I m so funny.....100 days !When I have ride this horse i feel I am like a actress!Beautiful view!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

BOROBUDUR Wanna visit again & again till die


If anyone ask me that which place you want to visit again and again I would like to answer BOROBUDUR. Yes,I was studying Buddhism in Myanmar and I knew about BoroBudur ....keep praying and wishing to visit BOROBUDUR One day.My wish always come true.I been here yay its not dream . Its reality and I enjoyed a lot BOROBUDUR.BODOBUDUR is situated in JAVA Island Indonesia.If you visit Borobudur dont miss the sunrise in BOROBUDUR and to do meditation after that.BOROBUDUR is more significant Buddhist place and please research before you visit BOROBUDUR.Every year when Wesak day there is used to organise 1000 candles program.I showed this beautiful place to my sisters,brothers,my moms,my nephew,niece and They all enjoyed....I still want to go BOROBUDUR with my soulmate hahaha.And I keep motivate people please visit BOROBUDUR.Its worth to visit.Life time achievement. If anyone have any question about BOROBUDUR how to go there,how much?How possible to visit I will let you know.....for more picture click below links......" 2012 links  https://www.facebook.com/zeba.zizawar/media_set?set=a.10200131196978601.2184089.1110986979&type=3 please check the all photos I took with my new camera but later on that camera lost by my one friend hahahhaha

2010 links



Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Indonesia is island country ....we cant finish our journey in this life to visit all island.Recently camping in one island ...which name is Dolphin Island..did nt met with any Dolphin.I think someone name is DOLPHIN who discover this small island so name is given Dolphin.Well,i am storyteller make this story lol. I travel a lot I inspired to others to travel.Saw the many beautiful fish while snorkeling for 5 min only. We spent night and sunset was so good.Thank you Trina Barua for join.

  please for more picture click below 

My family My heart

Whereever I have stayed long I tried to bring my family to travel.So within these 2 years my mother,my sisters,nephew,brother and sister in law visit me.I tried to show them Indonesia in short....for example Bali,Jogja,Bandung,Jakarta.They loved it very much.I really feel happy when I see my siblings are happy.I love them very much...Hope to travel many more country together.I love you all....................................................

Morocco is my Love

Before visiting Morocco I thought oh its Africa....not good but I went Morocco .I fall in love with place peoples,Specially food.....

For more photos please visit below links....

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Blue Pearl City Chefchaoun ,MOROCCO

I have nothing assets in this small life just one and only hobby to see the world.Always wanted to go Morocco.And I saved money to make my dream true.I have been this beautiful blue city and wear my blue sari.I always dreamed will go this place and wear blue sari hahahahha. I definitely recommend to visit Morocco.If anyone have any question about Morocco trip feel free to ask me.But I really want you discover Morocco.The worth journey in my life.Thanks to Almighty Allah and my hard work and my Moroccan family. N.B : honestly i am feeling hesitate to post my travel photos because all will think I am doing show off.But really I wanna share my happiness with you all.And I always pray that you all travel all over world .Dont save money hehhehe......