I tried to tell honestly i was so curious about to know everything!I was born in Bangladesh which is 4th largest Muslim country in the world.When I came to Indoensia I had chance to learn about Islam.I have found one friend who explain abt Islam and I was keen to learn Namaz(Pray)which is 5 times prayers.In our country we Non-muslim not so used to go Masjid.Here with my friend i always have chance to go Masjid.Oneday I asked her I am Non-Muslim but I really like to learn Namaz and I wanna do it at Masjid.Can I?She said ofcourse!Why not?I tried and i did Namaz at Jakarta one of the most beautiful Masjid.I learned how to do Namaz.It was amazing feeling when I first follow Jamah!
So now is Ramadan Month......I wish you all will be peaceful.I always pray!
I like religion for feel.I dont like believers ! Seriously.............I have travel a lot and always i saw how religion works.Religion is depend on environment.For example I am Non-Muslim and in Bangladesh Muslim crooked our property on the other hand I was in Myanmar for 4 years and I saw Muslims people cant make their Azan loudly because Myanmar is Buddhist country.So we all people are really dominated by eachother.Which is Minority and Majority.
My religion is "PEACE AND HUMANITY"Dont like to be orthodox religion follower.When i make this photo on my profile pics of FB all are keep asking me did you already became muslim.I dont like to give answer.Cause I am not Muslim,Not Buddhist,Not HIndu,Not Chrishtian,Not jain..........................