Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Love in Cileuksa

GNI Gugah Nurani Indonesia (Good Neighbors Indoensia), is for me to start work in Indonesia with full of spirit.

Once I met with Mas Soza,I have share with him that I want to work with GNI as a volunteer. Actually during my study in Indonesia I was looking for NGO to work at least as a volunteer.Mas Soza did a good job. It was November 2nd week Soza took me one meeting which is organized by GNI, BOGOR.I have met with Mas Pramesa and gave him My Resume.
Mas Pramesa had discussed and later decided the Country Director of GNI wanted to meet with me. It was totally funny for me. Because the first question from Country Director is “Are you single? Can you speak 7 languages? Briliant!”Ha Ha Ha.Anyway I have got permission to do my internship with GNI.Honestley speaking I was so excited. I came on 26th of November 2012 to Kampung Kompa.Nextday Mas Soza took me to Cilueksa. I fall in love with nature of Cilueksa .I feel I should be here for few days. The Bold and Beautiful Cileuksa.The weather and the atmosphere is really awesome. The first meeting with  Mas Antok(who is totally grass roots social worker).For the first time I saw he made change CRC Bogor. When I first came I noticed The CRC library was not organized .Mas Antok made it perfect. I believe everywhere in this world some angles appeared like a human being who knows Mas Antok is one of them.

                                Angles of Heaven
My first interact with Cileuksa children:-
    I just wonder how beautiful children in the world they were born .Every children in Cileuksa is looking innocent and beautiful. They like the Indian culture almost everyone know about Indian film. When I have visited Cileuksa river with them I just feel I came here once in my past life. The children are very delightful. I wish they will grow up properly.
                                   Story of Trekking
From Cileuksa to go Ciparempeng with motor bike it is kind of punishment of ownself.And unfortunately I had that experience. I just got surprised how those villagers survive into their entire life with this crazy transportation. I gave up riding bike started to trekking.

                          Nowhere in the world
 Ciparempeng is the village where huge people with no hope. I don’t feel any imagination actually how they live their life in Ciperempeng. I have visited the one and only school which school is empty without teacher. Only one teacher is used to teach the children who came to stay there from Yogyakarta. According to my experience I have travelled 500 villages but truly speaking I never met like this beautiful children. But besides I am so sad How will be their future without education! I can believe they can be doctor, engineer….etc.But who will make them?
                             School in Cijairin
I was so curious to do trekking Ciparempeng  to Cijairin. I followed with Ibu Umi.It was so mud on the way. But I crossed the mud road . It was lovely wherever to walk. I was so concentrate with my every footsteps. It is the amazing things I have done.
I liked to walk !Village to village. The Sunda people specially the ladies are so beautiful and charming. But I don’t know why they don’t study. Feel piti.Only because of study I did many struggle but they are not keen to study at all. Once I have heard from Mas Soza  that GNI is going to make school in Cijairin.The great decision .The children in Cijairin they need education.Need school to learn “meaning of life”because education is the backbone of nation.
                         Art of Knowledge
  I gain more knowledge during my Internship.
-        How to behave with people
-        How to adjust with culture
Frankly speaking sometimes I feel so stress with people when they start to make question continuously.

            The taste of life (My Social  journey)

Everywhere in the world good and bad happened .But as a human being we should adopt the good one. So my social journey will never be stopped because it is taste of my life.
Special thanks to Mas Soza ( who introduce with me to GNI and very kind of me)
Special thanks to Mas Antok (who show me the way of culture)
And all volunteer and People of Cilueksa

Allah Hafiz!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Meeting with Gurudev BaBa Nirvana Bodhisattva is miracle to happend

I was searching one Gurudev who will teach me meaning of life.Finaly i met with that person who is Founder of Nirvanavan Foundation ,Alwar,Rajasthan,India.
He is the force behind so many activities including education, rehabilitation of very poor and orphan children, eradication of prostitution, rescue of abandoned babies, installing the noble ideas of shramdaan and sportsmanship n taking care of the poor, helpless n sick. Nirvanavan Foundation now runs numerous free schools in many villages of Rajasthan. Do wish him health, happiness and more success on this path.. that he chose years ago. 
I was with Foundation 2 years.I have learned from my Gurudev a lot.

Friday, March 8, 2013

APEC CONFERENCE 2013 in Indonesia

27th and 28th February 2013 I have attend APEC Conference at Bank Indonesia,Jakarta,Indonesia.
The surprising things are ....They  all r giving speech abt Micro Finance but there is no Delegation from Bangladesh.Muhammaed Yunus is the Father of Micro Finance But his country people is nt there .I just joined by unexpected person.

Interview for Indonesian Media

Seorang relawan kemanusiaan berasal dari Bangladesh bernama Zheba menuju Jakarta. Ia tergerak menjadi relawan ACT untuk membantu korban banjir Jakarta. Ia terkejut saat tiba di negeri ini. “saya heran, kok bisa banyak warga negeri ini makan-makan di restoran, shopping di mall-mall sementara banyak yang sedang menderita kelaparan. Saya perhatikan banyak makanan sisa dibuang begitu saja di negeri ini, padahal bagi para korban kemanusiaan makanan itu sangat berarti. Anda harus tahu, karena butuhnya mereka para korban kejahatan kemanusiaan akan makanan, sampai-sampai mereka memakan tikus.” Astaghfirullah...

A humanitarian volunteers from Bangladesh named Zheba to Jakarta. It moved into ACT volunteers to assist flood victims in Jakarta. It surprised upon arriving in this country. "I wonder, can of coke many state employees ate in restaurants, shopping in malls while many who are suffering from hunger. I noticed a lot of food waste thrown away in this country, but for the victims of the humanitarian food was very mean. You should know, because they are the victims of evil butuhnya expediency u vanity would feed , to the extent that they eat rats. "Astaghfirullah ...By Google Translation.

on 7th March 2013 I hade Interview with Indonesian Media.And I express my feeling in these way..............
Can visit this website................

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Current Mission: Campaigning for World Muslimah 2013. Which is a beyond international pageant seeks to promote positive role models for Islamic women, mixing religious observances with a modern, urban lifestyle.Organized By World Muslimah Foundation in Jakarta,Indonesia.

    I am grateful to The President of World Muslimah Foundation for giving me this opportunity.
First Impression from Zeba Zizawar,
World Muslimah International Volunteer from Bangladesh :

I still remember that day when i have met with Founder of "The World Muslimah Beauty" Mrs Eka Shanty @ Rofi. When she explain me about WMB.I was totally impressed. Because I am from one of the 4th largest Muslim country Bangladesh.We have many talented, beautiful Muslim women. I was so excited to let my country Muslim women know about WMB.I should thanks to Mbak Rofi to organize WMB contest.

We always known about Miss Universe, Miss World. So,when I have heard about World Muslimah Beauty contest is for me Unique.I have eager to do volunteering with WMB.Founder of WMB Mbak Rofi allow me to do volunteering.

I went with Muslimah Beauty '2012 for photo shoot. I was with them to attend "Volunteer for one-day" program.I had really great experience with all Muslimah Beauty.I would like to tell that World Muslimah Beauty will make all Muslim women smart,stylish,independent, intellectual,pious,confident and etc.I feel it is the great opportunity to express their own creativity and talent and inner beauty.I already share with my friends all over the world.
I hope World Muslimah Beauty Contest 2013 will be more amazing.
Our all Muslimah Beauty will be idol for all over the world Muslim women.

With all the best.
Zeba Zizawar(Social worker and traveler, marketing person)

REPLY LETTER from President World Muslimah Foundation

Dear Zeba,

It's an honor to have you around in the World of Muslimah Foundation . Your existence also means Great Spirit and an inspiration to all of us, especially for all the finalist and the winners of World Muslimah Beauty 2012. Thank you for your kind heart to support as one of International volunteer, fly away from Bangladesh to Jakarta doing humanitarian volunteer is the amazing work that might be never cross our mind.

We are pleased if you feel happy with the experience you had with all the winners. We did all those thing not for beauty competition purpose, but try embrace the modesty as the world inspiration that woman (regardless what their religions are) are the respected human being who deserve sincere appreciation instead the object of commodity.

Since you've become the witness of our movement, please do share to all muslim women around the world. We call this event as the Life-changing event, a beyond beauty pageant.

Why World Muslimah is a Beyond Beauty Pageant ? here are some facts that people should know....

1. World Muslimah Beauty is a beyond international pageant seeks to promote positive role models for Islamic women, mixing religious observances with a modern, urban lifestyle.
Many Muslim women avoid wearing the hijab for fear of being less competitive in their fields or earning less, we do hopes; the event will dispel such anxieties. Hijabi women should confidence with their best decision towards Allah. If the world won't accept you, why can't we give the solution to have our own stage?

2. Competition requirements are demanding. They include Internet and technology capabilities, Al Qur'an-reciting proficiencies, and accomplishments in sports, academics, and culture. And wearing the hijab is a must.
Why ? Because today, in the 21st century woman will face more than 1001 challenging issues in their future both personal and family life. They have to life in balance, combining spiritual quotient as the basic capacity to influence both emotional and intellectual quotient. We call it 3S Quality: Sholeha (pious), Smart & Stylish not 3B -Beauty, Brain and Behavior. What's the meaning of being Beauty, Brainy and Behave without spirituality? So, this event is trying to redefine truly meaning of beauty. Insha Allah.

3. In the grand final session, we conduct Extraordinary Workshop to enhance their understanding in Islamic values such as : How to become Muslim ideal figures, Islamic life style including the knowledge of Islamic Economics, Halal product and Islamic remedies.
4. We also give the knowledge on how to recite Al Qur'an in proper way, a special lecture from Indonesian Islamic Scholar and how to memorize Al Qur'an in easiest manner. We do hope, after the event, the finalist will become Inspiring beauty for their community and of course someday they will become ideal mother and wife-wanna be.

5. ORPHAN KIDS will select the last 2 World Muslimah Candidates to become the 1st and runner up winner. This is the first an only beauty pageant which involving orphan kids as the final honorary judges.
We want to send the message about how important to taking care dhuafa (unfortunate people) and orphans. They are not only charity objects but also the subject to determine for better future.

Keep the faith Zeba, enjoy the pleasant stay in Jakarta.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Met with Crazy Benoit Grieu!

A French guy whose name is Benoit Grieu.Met with him is like to discover world. He is the one who made me world traveler. I learned from him about travelling. Now many people admire me, “Wow”…you travel many places. I just smile in myself just only I know who makes me world traveler and so brave to discover this wonderful world. It was the First man who came himself to meet with me. It was so weird when he said he knows me very well. He came to ITBMU after one year I came. He is the person who has knowledge about world. He is honest person and very independent. I respect him. But don’t know with him what will happen he has missing since 2011.Oneday his sister and wife emailed me that he is missing Since October 2011.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Becoming Traveler

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I started to travel since it was on 2001.I have been first Thailand. But it was just formal travelling. Like a tourist. I don’t want to become tourist…….. want to become traveler. And finally I became traveler. I have been many many places and villages.Almost 500.

Discover myself in Myanmar (The Golden Land)

2004-My life started in Yangon
Myanmar which was known as a Burma. To study in Myanmar for me is discovering myself. When I landed Yangon International Airport I felt so strange. It is totally different from Bangladesh. The Team went to pick me up.
First Hostel Life in Yangon:
When I entered hostel of ITBMU which is known by Ladies hostel it was really peaceful and silence. I first met with Rinku who is Bengali Girl from India (Now my Best Friend).My hostel life has begun with new atmosphere, with new people and new food. I was just like a fish without water. Because my life was totally different where I was in Yangon.
In front of our room we have rules and regulation chart which was really disgusting.
·       wake up 4 am
·       meditating
·       Breakfast bell 6 am (I hardly woke up but Rinku always help me to bring my food)
·       Noble silence
·       Study till 9 pm
·       Sleeping time 10 pm (I don’t remember exactly)(we never sleep in fact our night has started)
·       6 pm hostel gate will be closed (This rules was for me really hard to follow, so sometimes I break this rules)

First class at International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University (ITBMU)
So much excitement, curiosity…..made me totally nervous!
I have met with my all classmates, Teachers! It was amazing feelings which are unable to explain properly!
Start to believe People:
It was too hard to believe people but I started to believe them. I was so alone at the beginning because of culture, language and food. I met Praggananda (My Bangladeshi Monk) and Rinku (My best friend ever).They helped me a lot.Rinku taught me many things which I never know in my life. It was “discipline”.
We made a very good team. Our members are from Nepal, Bangladesh, India specially.Kusum, Binu, Vidya, Sukriti, Renuka, Rinku, Madan, Krishna etc.Our hostel life become no more boring because we started to enjoy our Hostel life.
Saturday tour:
Every Saturday ITBMU organized to take us surrounding Yangon and visit all kind of meditation centre. It was really fun. We all the time wait for that trip.
Shiny Sunday:
Sunday …..Was for us going downtown and eat nice food and shopping day! I will never forget Bo Zaw Aung San market. The Famous market in Yangon.
The Boring Class:
At the beginning it was very good to have class…..later it was becoming boring for me. But I never give up. Tried to settle down with class. Just for venerable Nandamala make us happy to give his Abhidhamma lecture. Most of the Burmese classmate is very serious student. Sometimes I feel strange why they are so serious!
In every period of class we had a break time which was very funny. We were happy with that 10min.Because we used to go to canteen to have our coffee and chitchat!
New Reality:
I decided to become nun for Rainy season. It was for me new Reality. I still remember My Japanese friend Umi, My Malaysian friend and me we requested to ordain us as a nun. Our teacher Daw Yuzanani, Daw Nimala took us to make our Robe to Shwedagon Pagoda.
My first visit to Shwedagon Pagoda:
Shewdagon Pagoda which is world famous pagoda, which is covered by gold and at top it has diamond. I can’t have explanation what I feel when I first saw it. It was Amazing! And then after that 1000 time I have been there with 1000 different feelings!
Phone Call:
Every week I always used to wait for phone call from my home. I felt I was like a kid when I had heard voice of my maa.But that phone was made me always happy.
My first meditation practice in Chanmyay Yiektha centre:
Believe me or not to practice meditation is for me like kind of punishment at beginning .I tried to explain my meditation teacher how difficult for me practicing meditation. He suggest me if it is difficult so better try to give up. You just watch your breath. Honestly speaking I was really unable to understand how to watch breath.
Meditation is my therapy:
Tried many centre…..was in Chanmyay forest centre, Paa auk centre, She Oo Min centre…..etc.
But one day one early in the morning I start to feel how to watch breath in and out. And it was really awesome. Now Meditation is like therapy for me.

Uncertain mistaken:
Did some mistaken during the study Diploma in Buddhism in Yangon. But It was uncertain so no comment!
Becoming Burmese girl… a new name “Ma ZiZaWar”.I became very famous by this name. I was able to speak Myanmar language. Got the new class B.A 1st year.

My Dagaji…I have got my new father yes he is my dagaji.who loves me like his own daughter. He supports me a lot during my study in Myanmar.
My B.A Final year
I am little bit serious student because last year in IBMU.
But never stop my travelling. I have been Mawlamyaine.
It was also hitch hiking. We discover many places.
My desire was really fulfill when my maa and my Ddma (Grandma) came to visit Myanmar. I was so glad to take them World famous pagoda Shewdagon Pagoda. I took them Kyaik Thi Oo.And they enjoyed with me a lot.
My ITBMU life and Myanmar life already going to finish. During leaving Myanmar makes me sick. I became so weak….I want to comeback again in this Golden Land. Kept promise with me.
Meeting with Many people
During my study In ITBMU, Yangone, Myanmar
Meet with many kind hearted people whom I won’t forget. They support me financially, mentally and in many ways.


1995- Left school
 1997 -Left College
 2000- Left University
2001 -2002…..searching …..How to left country
2002-got the chance to participant youth conference in Bangkok, Thailand through Rissho Kosei Kai (Japanese Buddhist Organization)
2003….almost got the chance to left my home country
2004 -2007 …..Was in Myanmar (The Golden Land)
2008-One of the miserable year for me.
2009-2010 …Indonesia….Malaysia…Singapore
2010 -2012 ….Incredible India
 2012-2013 till August….Indonesia again with new look 
2013-????????Philipine? South Africa???I don’t know……..

The Reason of writing Blog

1. When I will gonna be old I will read my blog and will be amazed what I have done in my life
 2. Sometimes may be I will feel so happy to read my blog or sometimes may be sad.
 3. To write blog is kind of talking ownself.When I started to make my own journey I used to talk with myself. 
 4. And to write Blog to published myself.