GNI Gugah Nurani Indonesia (Good Neighbors
Indoensia), is for me to start work in Indonesia with full of spirit.
Once I met with Mas Soza,I have share with him that
I want to work with GNI as a volunteer. Actually during my study in Indonesia I
was looking for NGO to work at least as a volunteer.Mas Soza did a good job. It
was November 2nd week Soza took me one meeting which is organized by
GNI, BOGOR.I have met with Mas Pramesa and gave him My Resume.
Mas Pramesa had discussed and later decided the
Country Director of GNI wanted to meet with me. It was totally funny for me.
Because the first question from Country Director is “Are you single? Can you
speak 7 languages? Briliant!”Ha Ha Ha.Anyway I have got permission to do my
internship with GNI.Honestley speaking I was so excited. I came on 26th
of November 2012 to Kampung Kompa.Nextday Mas Soza took me to Cilueksa. I fall
in love with nature of Cilueksa .I feel I should be here for few days. The Bold
and Beautiful Cileuksa.The weather and the atmosphere is really awesome. The
first meeting with Mas Antok(who is
totally grass roots social worker).For the first time I saw he made change CRC Bogor.
When I first came I noticed The CRC library was not organized .Mas Antok made
it perfect. I believe everywhere in this world some angles appeared like a
human being who knows Mas Antok is one of them.
Angles of Heaven
My first interact with Cileuksa children:-
I just
wonder how beautiful children in the world they were born .Every children in
Cileuksa is looking innocent and beautiful. They like the Indian culture almost
everyone know about Indian film. When I have visited Cileuksa river with them I
just feel I came here once in my past life. The children are very delightful. I
wish they will grow up properly.
Story of Trekking
From Cileuksa to go Ciparempeng with motor bike it
is kind of punishment of ownself.And unfortunately I had that experience. I
just got surprised how those villagers survive into their entire life with this
crazy transportation. I gave up riding bike started to trekking.
Nowhere in the world
Ciparempeng is
the village where huge people with no hope. I don’t feel any imagination
actually how they live their life in Ciperempeng. I have visited the one and
only school which school is empty without teacher. Only one teacher is used to
teach the children who came to stay there from Yogyakarta. According to my
experience I have travelled 500 villages but truly speaking I never met like
this beautiful children. But besides I am so sad How will be their future
without education! I can believe they can be doctor, engineer….etc.But who will
make them?
School in Cijairin
I was so curious to do trekking Ciparempeng to Cijairin. I followed with Ibu Umi.It was
so mud on the way. But I crossed the mud road . It was lovely wherever to walk.
I was so concentrate with my every footsteps. It is the amazing things I have
I liked to walk !Village to village. The Sunda
people specially the ladies are so beautiful and charming. But I don’t know why
they don’t study. Feel piti.Only because of study I did many struggle but they
are not keen to study at all. Once I have heard from Mas Soza that GNI is going to make school in Cijairin.The
great decision .The children in Cijairin they need education.Need school to
learn “meaning of life”because education is the backbone of nation.
Art of Knowledge
I gain more
knowledge during my Internship.
How to behave with people
How to adjust with culture
Frankly speaking sometimes I feel so stress with
people when they start to make question continuously.
The taste of life (My Social journey)
Everywhere in the world good and
bad happened .But as a human being we should adopt the good one. So my social
journey will never be stopped because it is taste of my life.
Special thanks to Mas Soza ( who introduce
with me to GNI and very kind of me)
Special thanks to Mas Antok (who
show me the way of culture)
And all volunteer and People of
Allah Hafiz!