Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I am sharing a video on the work done by the Nirvanavan Foundation made by Nusrat Howard-Moore. Nusrat visited the Foundation in the winter and shot this wonderful video so that the work could be shared amongst friends.
Nusrat Howard-Moore
Shortlisted for the Scottish Documentary Institute's Bridging the Gap Scheme 2006, the Bahamas 14 Island Challenge 2009, MOFILM's Advert competition 2010 and Official Selection at Marbella International Film Festival 2011.
She is original from Malaysia but lived in U.K. Nusrat is very kind person and always ready to help people.I wish her peaceful life and success.
Here is her social Network…

Feel pity when people very serious about RELIGION

I tried to tell honestly i was so curious about to know everything!I was born in Bangladesh which is 4th largest Muslim country in the world.When I came to Indoensia I had chance to learn about Islam.I have found one friend who explain abt Islam and I was keen to learn Namaz(Pray)which is 5 times prayers.In our country we Non-muslim not so used to go Masjid.Here with my friend i always have chance to go Masjid.Oneday I asked her I am Non-Muslim but I really like to learn Namaz and I wanna do it at Masjid.Can I?She said ofcourse!Why not?I tried and i did Namaz at Jakarta one of the most beautiful Masjid.I learned how to do Namaz.It was amazing feeling when I first follow Jamah!
So now is Ramadan Month......I wish you all will be peaceful.I always pray!
I like religion for feel.I dont like believers ! Seriously.............I have travel a lot and always i saw how religion works.Religion is depend on environment.For example I am Non-Muslim and in Bangladesh Muslim crooked our property on the other hand I was in Myanmar for 4 years and I saw Muslims people cant make their Azan loudly because Myanmar is Buddhist country.So we all people are really dominated by eachother.Which is Minority and Majority.

My religion is "PEACE AND HUMANITY"Dont like to be orthodox religion follower.When i make this photo on my profile pics of FB all are keep asking me did you already became muslim.I dont like to give answer.Cause I am not Muslim,Not Buddhist,Not HIndu,Not Chrishtian,Not jain..........................


Pagi ini luar biasa......
Aku jalan jalan sampai ke sungai Kayangan.....
Sungai ini adalah carita!
Seperti carita cintaku!
At pendoworejo desa,Yogya,Indonesia.I was walking along and i took this one.It was nice to see people is working in field.

                                                                 Aku tak pernah sekalipun
                                                                memintamu untuk mencintaiku
                                                                Aku berharap
                                                                kau menerima cintaku

Zeba Zizawar 03-01-2013 (Pendoworejo-Yogya)Photo credit-Henki and Puisi translated by Surajiya! 

On the spot.........

Honestly speaking I like to travel alone and after arrived my spot i met and discover people who are really nice for me.I feel like new Zeba with them.
 One afternoon walking around The Great Malioboro street which streets reminds me Kolkata newmarket and saw this woman is selling Kacang(nuts) .I asked her."Kenappa kamu jual kacang?Tak ada anak anak?"She answered me,"Umar saya lebih seratus.Saya sendiri.hidup sendiri,makan sendiri,senang sendiri."I respect her.And i bought nuts from her.

 When i have first visited Cerita beach with my beloved Luz i met with these two kind guy who always kind for us and this time i met with them again.

 Badui Tribe who asked from us money to drink coffee.They are primitive tribe.I would like to visit their village soon.
 During my Internship at Yogyakarta I have stayed at Gugah Nurani Indonesia office which is situated in one beautiful village.I went to one village to another village for APR with my team.I found beetle nut and i found innocent people who loves me because aku orang asli India.He is so happy to take picture with me and i said him that Kamu Ganteng! — at Pendoworejo,Yogayakarta.


"Our Guava Vendor" (Photo Taken by Zeba Zizawar on July 2012)
Last July & August 2012 .I was in Chittagong my hometown and I have gone some places I where I have Nostalgia.So It was very common to see our people on the street.
I would like to introduce with this amazing person who is our Guava Wala.I used to see this gentleman was selling Guava since i was child or I was in school.I and we all children even our neighbourhood always buy Guava from him.His whole life has passed to sell Guava at Patherghata area..During my last visit I have met with him and bought Guava and talked with him.I took this two lovely photos of him.He felt so shy to take photos.I asked him about his family and how is his Guava Business! He was very happy and asked me what I do?I said you whole life sold Guava and in this 12 years I have been 13/14 countries with 500 villages.You are great I said.And I asked him again Are you happy ?He said I am happy.I pray for this wonderful man.Happiness is everywhere just we have to find.I salute you.I wish If I go this time I will bring for him Famous Batik Shirt.
 — at Catholic Church, Patherghata.

Press Conference of 3rd Annual Muslim World 2013 (June 2013)

I had the great experience to organize Press Conference.I am very glad to be part of Press Conference & Public Expose 3rd Annual Muslim World Award 2013.Please like our fan page and follow us with our twitter @muslimahworld.Grand Final will be held on 18th September 2013.Online registration is running.Got amazing contestent from all over the world.Will gonna select 100 and these 100 will gonna send their vdo clip then The jury will choose 20 who is coming to Jakarta.Wish us good Luck!Zeba Zizawar,International Relation of World Muslimah Foundation

New arrival........

My younger sister Julie Barua and her baby boy.I cant wait to see you my baby.
My younger sister gave birth baby boy on 8th of may 2013 when the great poet Noble winner Robidranath Tagor's birthday too.So,I decided to gave his name " Arahant Robi" But they finaly decided the name will be Shiddhartha Robi.Well no comments! I want to inform all of you also that  my sister is very good Robidranath tagor's songs singer too.Its really miracle.I hope both of good health!And i tagged to you all who knows my sister well.Please pray for them.

Hijab Fest in Bandung on June 2013

World Muslimah Foundation went for Talk show.I am one of Guest speaker from Bangladesh.
President of World Muslimah Foundation is giving speech.
I am as International Relations also giving speech
2 most talented Muslimah 2012
Lia and me ( Lia is my Dharma sister from Jambi.Her family is my adorable family.She came to see me.Now she is studying at ITB,Bandung.Lia's family is Bataknese.I was with them.Her family took me to Toba lake,Medan (the famous lake in the world).I have enjoyed Bataknese wedding ceremony.And her family help me to visit suku anak dalam which are primitive people.U can google it.Not easy to meet with Suku anak dalam.My life of journey is belongs with many kind people.Lia's family among of them.)

Empty without you My Luz............

I met with Luz Gomez when I came here in Indonesia last september 2012.I was totaly lonely and arrounding me all negative energy.Searching if can get positive vibe to heal me.Finaly I found she is LUZ.Lus is from Merida,Venezuella.Very talented and incredible girl.We did so many things together.Travelling,studying,thrilling,trekking etc.Jakarta was on rock during she stay.We met very good friend together who will be our friend forever.Mas Muchamad Nugie and Nuke Andriani Surentu.I believe we will be together.We are blessed ones.I should say we did MIRACLE things together.I will write poem soon.Love you always my love!

Be Positive!!!

I am not in the rat race because I am not a rat.

I m working as an International coordinator volunteers for Nirvanavan Foundation and am engaged in forming a working group to create a HOME for abandoned children in Alwar,Rajasthan.I have worked in various NGO'S and organization in Bangladesh,Myanmar,Indonesia for orphanage,tribal and refugees.I have walked for 6000 Km across Thailand meeting and talking with many people in street to know about their life and culture.During my long walk i lived in monasteries and worked as a volunteer in orphanages.I have also travelled all over southeast asia while pursuing my studies.Now I am doing MBA in India and have dedicated my life for the pursuit of excellence and to the service of humanity.

The blue eyes Boy who is very adorable!Lived in asadganj slum!Last week i went to slum to distribute cloths and i found this boy and i just looked at him ......cos he has such a beautiful eyes and came to know he is dumb!Thanks to my all FB frens who is liking this pics cos this is the precious pics for me.Photo credit goes to Rids — with Ridwan Ul Hoque atAsadgonj,Chittagong,Bangladesh!

Volunteerism !

Volunteerism gave me Honor.I have started my Volunteering since 1997 with World Vision NGO. Then i have been volunteering with many more NGO in all over the world.
example:Bangladesh,Myanmar,India,Malaysia,Singapore, Cambodia,Laos,Indonesia,Nepal,Bhutan, Philippine,Thailand etc.And the amazing things i wanna share is through volunteering i have been over 500 villages and cities. Oneday i was trying to write my diary and found that many places.But Finally I choose Nirvanavan Foundation is my full of love that where I did my volunteering with peacefully.

Golf The most excited sports I have done once in ma life!

on Nov 2012,I have got one student whose name is Rendi.He was keen to speak English so i started to talk with him in English and we were practice with him.I always invite my all friend who speaks English. One day he asked me he wanna give me tuition fee.As i knew he is very good Golf player.I said better you teach us golf.So It was my first sports I did.Luar Biasa!Great feelings.

Got a tattoo

It was on 2010.I was travelling penang,Malaysia.Was roaming penang city and penang shopping mall. Suddenly I have heard Chinese chanting and i entered.Talked with Tattoo Artist explain about that Chinese chants.Artist became happy.He offered me dinner with his family.Next day he invited me to make Tattoo.He told what i wanna make.On that time I felt I am like Butterfly country to another place to another place.So he made for me butterfly.Thanks a lot that Tattoo Artist.I don"t have any contact with him.Cos I lost my contact and all photos.

Journey Never End

Truly journey never end. I have been always travelling southeast Asia and central Asia.Wish will go EU and west!I did hitch hike when i traveled......with partner,team,alone.Most of the time I have got host by organisation,CS friends,HC friends.I have traveled over 500 places (Including villages & cities).Each places have the story.Miracle story!All travelers have their own style to travel.I have my own one.Trying to write Blog.Sometimes I amazed myself that through travelling i learned many many things!Thanks to my beloved GOD!and my all well wishers!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Yuk Membatik in Binus University (13th june 2013 in Indonesia)

I always have desire to learn Batik and finaly i have got chance to make one workshop about Batik.Thank you Stephanie Florence.Stephanie is my friend who is studying at Binus University.They are group of young students who are organize this workshop about learning Batik.I asked them why you arranged such kind of workshop?My junior friend Stephanie said that now a days young generation start to forgot their original tradition so Batik is the Tradition and the most famous in Indonesia.So they want to keep thier tradition.I highly appreciate her thought.I also want from India,Bangladesh so many young people will visit Indonesia to learn Batik.I am waiting to organize like this event for my Bangladeshi and Indian youth generation with help of Stephanie.Thank you sayang!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mothers day 2013

Harmony among Civilization

Reason to be here:

To come Indonesia is for me Like a challenge.Challenge is means to adopt culture,food,environment,weather,religion etc.
I was crazy to be here. And finally I choose tourism to promote Indonesia to all over the world. I left my home since 14 years and have been living in south east Asia .Because of my various activities.So, according to my point of view Indonesia is better country to choose for travel and stay.
•Food od
•Environment nvironment
People of Indonesia:
                      More friendly ,smiling always,Helping mind.For example I would like to find my address I observe at least 5 people willing to help me with their beautiful smile.I really feel amazed by myself.How innocent people are here!
Food of Indonesia:
                       I should thanks to Sahid that they give us chance to study culinary so I have known many kind of food and I can cook also. Indonesian food are totally delicious! I like to eat Gado Gado Jakarta,Pepes tahu,Pempek etc.
Environment of Indonesia:
          Still in Indonesia, environment is suitable and secure for foreign students. According to my experience wherever I have visit the environment of Indonesia is secure unless if you are good as yourself and for others people.
Culture of Indonesia:
         Indonesian culture is the mixing culture with all over culture. They have huge variety of culture which is attract people from all over the world.
 Religion of Indonesia:
      I am so glad that after came here in Indonesia I had chance to study Islamism.The best things I have study in my life.This is “Islam”.I am from one of the 4th largest Muslim country (Bangladesh)but I never had chance to study Al-Quran which is miracle for me.I should thanks my Indonesian friend who give me chance to know Islam.
Woman in Indonesia:
This year “WOMAN’S DAY” I dedicated to Indonesian woman because during my Internship I used to go office so I woke up early to get my transportation to reach my office on time. I have observe that all woman  are starting  their  work since early morning. I had chance to go pasar I saw all in all is woman.And sometimes I take bus and I saw the bus conductor is women.This is for me amazing that Muslim woman are not only inside in home.One day I take Trans Jakarta I saw Trans Jakarta driver is Women.Hats Off Indonesian Wanita.I respect you all.May Allah give you all strength.
Indonesian Women are charming,hard worker,smart,bold and beautiful, religious.
Life in Jakarta:
Life in Jakarta is stuck with Traffic Jam.So its like a ups and down.But I have suggestion for all of my Indoensian friends That Traffic Jam(Macet Time) is good for meditation. So no more hazel in life.
Internship with SCI:
I am doing Internship with Tour and Travel agent SCI.The main focus to organize Umrah.I like this work.I am getting experience how people are lucky to go Umrah.I saw the excitement of Umrah going  people.And I made the Trend its call “ISLAMIC TOURISM in Indonesia” which is Exotic Journey. So I design for Tourist that They should focus  3 objects.
11.Social Journey,
22.Spiritual journey 
3.Entertainment journey.......
STP SAHID (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata) is my University where I gained my knowledge of Hotel Management and Tourism. So Special Thanks to all of my Teachers,Dramasiswa coordinator  and students who helped me to have good knowledge.
Suggestion for STP (SAHID)
·     For next Darmasisa student please make very proper schedule
·     Organize student counseling because Mahasiswa asing need counseling
·     Proper Interaction with each other.
·     Provide the books about culinary of Indonesia
·     Hostel service should be good(sorry that I stay at kosan )
·     Exchange language
·     Always smile please because we all are involved with hotel and hospitality industry.

Hope for the Best:
         As Indonesia have given to me much more beyond my expectation so I have hope to do something best for Indonesian Women. I am willing to wait for the time that  Indonesia and Bangladesh will do together something best for women.
            So, the conclusion is, Harmony among Civilization is depend on each other in Indonesia.

 Indonesia is the country where is much more civilized people and they all brings their harmony together.