Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life start in Indonesia 2012 -2013

My life is started in Indonesia for the 2nd time.I was so excited to come Indonesia again.I flew from Dhaka to Singapore and to Jakarta.My friend received me from Sukarna Hata Airport and next on 7th ,8th sep 2012 i will have orientation program so i was ready to enjoy that.I am the only one from Bangladesh who joined this program.We all Darmasiswa student got together in Aryaduta Hotel in Jakarta.I have met my all Darmasiswa student.And it was lovely meeting.For 2 days there is program about culture of Indonesia it was.....Lovely.On 9th sep we came into our Institute STP SAHID!
To come Indonesia and join with STP SAHID to do special course about Hotel Management and culinary Indonesia is for me new experience and challenge.So i was so excited to be here.As usual there is one week orientation program.This is the Indonesian University culture before going to start class they have orientation program.But in my country i never seen.Classes started without orientation.One week we enjoyed orientation program then since middle week of September we have started our class.We got the 7 subjects.Bahasa Indonesia,Pastry and Bakery,Marketing for hospitality,Guiding documentation and procedure,Gastronomy,Indonesian tourism geography,Eco tourism.For me Pastry and Bakery ,Gastronomy is really new subject.Even the all ingredients for me very new.I just fall in love with culinary Indonesia.During September, October and November I learned many things to make.For example:Ayam bakar Kelasan,Gado Gado Jakrata,Soto Betawi,Beef yakiniku,Randang,Dadar gulung,ongol ongol,pudding kelapa muda,pepes tau,pepes ikan etc. In this meantime we all Darmasiswa student went to Mercure Hotel to know about Table manner.It was so funny but interesting.I have got the gift because i have answer the question. Mostly 4 days in a week i have class from 9 amto 4 pm.After class I used to walk and i discover many places and many people.I ahve got nice friend whose name Yanti.One day as usual i was walking and i saw the ice garden with many Banana tree and enter that garden.I saw the lady who is really beautiful.I tried to communicate with her with Bahasa Indonesia.She was so excited that I can communicate with Bahasa.She provide me dinner.I will never forget how kind she is.Now she is my nice friend whom i visit once in a day.Yanti,I am going to miss you!
So September and october has gone very quickly with our class. After many planning i decided every weekend i will go for travelling.And finally i got the place for travelling.On 4th of November it was Sunday.Me and my friend Luz from Venezuela we joined with CS group in bogor to visit Goa Gudawang.It was really nice place to visit.It is one hour cave.And after that we have viisted Cipanas.So beautiful and i have stay at Cigudeg village with Gugah Nurani Indonesia which is working for children and women.