Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Introduce to Nirvanavan Foundation

The Nirvanavan Foundation is a grassroots organization working in the remote areas of Alwar district of Rajasthan on educational, ecological and social.
Nirvanavan Foundation Program
Nirvanavan has multiple schools with 120 children enrolled in the main school. The schools are situated in an area where prostitution is widespread. The schools exist to help end the cycle of exploitation and provide children with an education that will lead them to an alternative means of income.

The Childline program provides a 24 hour freephone service. This service is set up to listen to the many children who need someone to talk to and offer on-going support.

Nirvanavan teaches children and the community the importance of environmental conservation. Nirvanavan is working to revive the tradition of the digging of local ponds (called johads) to raise the water table by conserving rain water, as well as the planting and caring for new trees.

Why the need?

The villages surrounding Alwar are in an area where it is traditional for the young girls to be sent as prostitutes to the large cities of India and the Middle East and for the boys become pimps.

The schools which Nirvanavan has built are an attempt to help break this pattern of exploitation and to give these girls and boys alternative choices in their lives.

How Team Efforts Translate to Impact

All funds raised provide support for the Nirvanavan Foundation’s educational, social, and ecological programs.

How the Nirvanavan Foundation creates Sustainable Global Change

Without awareness and education, children living in the Alwar district are at risk of continuing the socially devastating cycle of poverty and prostitution. Over a short period of time, the Nirvanavan Foundation has improve local communities by empowering community members with an opportunity for an education, alternative means of livelihood, and the ability to protect their environment for future generations.
Love and maitri

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A home for abandon children.

Greetings from Zeba.

I am in India doing MBA and will be here for another two years. One of my major discoveries apart from my studies has been the Nirvanavan Foundation based in Alwar, Rajasthan. I am working here as a coordinator for international volunteers and organizing a working group which would build a ‘Home’ for abandoned children. I always had a dream to work as an activist and serve humanity. The Nirvanavan Foundation is doing the Childline project in Alwar. Childline is a national free phone service for children in need for care and protection. At the Childline call centre we receive at least 2 – 3 abandoned new born babies every month. These babies are put for adoption and are sent to the government homes in Jaipur when they don’t find a safe home here. This situation has led the Foundation to think about building a ‘Home’ in Alwar. I am uploading a Vision brochure with this letter for you to understand the plan. The children’s village will be built on ecovillage standards and will be self sufficient. It will have a family system where the children will have a mother and they will grow up as brothers and sisters like in a family. They will be staying in the village until they are settled in life.

The Nirvanavan Foundation is also doing an education project with the ‘Nat and Kanjer’ community in the Alwar district of Rajasthan. The ‘Nat and Kanjer’ community is traditionally into prostitution. The girls from the community end up in the dance bars of Mumbai and to the Middle – East. The ‘Nat and Kanjer’ villages are spread all over the district into small village. In 2003 the Foundation had done an extensive survey and had identified 10 villages where there was a need for primary school. The Foundation now runs 12 schools; ten of these are in the ‘Nat and Kanjer’ villages. The objective of the project is to bring the community into the mainstream so that they could live with honor and dignity. I have uploaded another brochure which will tell you more about the schools.

The head quarters of the Foundation is situated in a beautiful valley surrounded by the Aravali mountain ranges and a dry deciduous forest. The rocky hills are inscribed by ancient rock paintings. The Foundation is also involved in the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage of the region and annually organizes a number of ecological programs each year. Please visit the website and the Flickr of the Foundation for more information.

I am awe struck and it amazes me to see the work of the Foundation. A small group of young boys and girls have come together to bring about a change in the region. I am preparing myself for a greater work with my experience as a traveler and volunteer working in various organizations all over south – east Asia and also building up an academic background. I invite you to come and see the work of the Foundation and also help me to form a working group for building a ‘Home’ for abandoned children.

With love and maitri,


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